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Detailed Information
Our club works to enhance the appearance and beauty of the Coupeville community and to promote interest, understanding, education and participation in horticulture. To that end, we grow from cuttings, divisions and seeds all of the plants that we offer at our annual plant sale, occurring each year on the last weekend of April. Proceeds from our plant sale fund club projects and are thereby reinvested in our community.
Our club motto is Service to the Community and in that spirit, there is an expectation that our members will participate in the club activities and projects as much as they are able. We are very proud of our contributions to our community, and of our close relationship with the Town of Coupwville, its mayor and the Parks and Recreation Department.
The contribution of your time and talents, together with your interest in horticulture and gardening, enables all of us to accomplish our goals. At the same time, we enjoy the bond of good fellowship and the satisfaction of having helped to make our community a more beautiful place in which to live. Whether you are an experienced or a learning gardener, an industrious or relaxed gardener, a talking or a digging gardener or a combination of all three, we have a place for you.