Explore Coupeville's unique stores, restaurants, and coffee shops while you collect unique chocolate treats. This event always sells out. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased on-line at coupevillechamber.com Check in at the Coupeville Chamber of Commerce, 905 NW Alexander Street, between 11 AM and 3 PM to receive your Chocolate Walk bag and map […]
Whidbey's Saratoga Orchestra presents "Season of Love", an evening of dinner and music on February 10th at Whidbey Golf Club, 2430 SW Fairway Ln., Oak Harbor. Musicians from the orchestra will be performing in small chamber ensembles including a jazz quartet and string trio at this "Love-ly" evening in support of the orchestra's mission. Guests may choose from one of […]
Whidbey's Saratoga Orchestra presents "Season of Love", an evening of dinner and music on February 10th at Whidbey Golf Club, 2430 SW Fairway Ln., Oak Harbor. Musicians from the orchestra will be performing in small chamber ensembles including a jazz quartet and string trio at this "Love-ly" evening in support of the orchestra's mission. Guests may choose from one of […]