Would-Be Players Youth Theatre Class Registration

Whidbey Playhouse 730 SE MIDWAY BLVD, OAK HARBOR

Unlock your child's imagination and creativity by enrolling them in our Would-Be Players Youth Theatre Class! Designed for young performers of all experience levels, our classes offer a fun, supportive […]

Would-Be Players Youth Theatre Class Registration

Whidbey Playhouse 730 SE MIDWAY BLVD, OAK HARBOR

Unlock your child's imagination and creativity by enrolling them in our Would-Be Players Youth Theatre Class! Designed for young performers of all experience levels, our classes offer a fun, supportive […]

$1 – $150

The Whidbey Playhouse Presents “Annie”

Whidbey Playhouse 730 SE MIDWAY BLVD, OAK HARBOR

Orphan Annie escapes her harsh orphanage run by Miss Hannigan to find her parents with a broken locket. Placed in the care of eccentric billionaire Oliver Warbucks, her journey unfolds […]


Schedule C and Other Small Business Taxes

Bayview Cash Store 5603 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington, United States

Tax season is just around the corner! How do you even navigate those forms? What kind of information do you need to have ready? Are you sure you're getting the […]

Stop the Bleed with Central Whidbey Fire & Rescue

Coupeville Library 788 NW Alexander St., Coupeville, Washington

Are you prepared for emergencies?This class will show attendees how to respond to life-threatening bleeding, and offer guidance on how to act quickly and effectively to control bleeding. Division Chief […]

Filing and Paying Taxes Electronically Workshop

Bayview Cash Store 5603 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington, United States

With all the new tech and tools out there, it might be time to look at how you file. Learn the actual steps to paying electronically, how the systems work, […]

Fruit Tree and Vine Pruning Workshop

Pacific Rim Institute 180 Parker Road, Coueville, Washington

The vine and tree pruning workshop is almost full, but there is still space in the other workshops, including a fifth workshop on growing figs in Maritime Washington.All workshops will […]

$25 – $30

Roots on View

Coupeville Library 788 NW Alexander St., Coupeville, Washington

Stop by for a fun opportunity to make your own garden project! Make a MSV (Magic Subterranean Viewer) pot then plant seeds to watch them sprout. With your MSV you’ll be able to watch what is going on underground. Join Lisa Taylor, author of the Maritime Northwest Garden Guide and Your Farm in the City, and garden educator extraordinaire in a lively, make-along […]

Intro to Bike Maintenance and Repair

Coupeville Library 788 NW Alexander St., Coupeville, Washington

Join Trevor Stevens from Celerity Cycles and learn the basics of bicycle maintenance and roadside repair! In this course, you will learn how to change a tire, patch an inner tube, maintain and repair a chain and make minor adjustments to improve shifting and braking, plus much more! This class will be hands-on so come prepared […]


Business Use of Your Home Workshop

Bayview Cash Store 5603 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington, United States

If you run a small business, odds are you're using your home—whether as an office, a warehouse, or even more. Make sure you're getting the best tax benefit back, and everything you need to know about how to claim the deduction.Goosefoot is proud to partner with David Higgins, liaison with the IRS, to answer pressing […]

Make Your Property More Fire Resistant

Coupeville Rec Hall 901 NW Alexander St, Coupeville, Washington, United States

Coupeville's Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) has arranged a presentation of Fire Risk Assessment of the Town of Coupeville, beginning at 6 PM in the Coupeville Rec Hall.This nationally recognized Fire Wise risk assessment will be presented by the Island County Conservation District and the Department of Natural Resources.


Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors meeting

Whidbey Provisions 105 S Main Street, Coupeville, Washington, United States

Come join active local Whidbey real estate investors at our next WIREI meeting. We will meet at new local small business Whidbey Provisions and meet the owners, then roundtable with informal introductions and any haves/wants, and then two local experts will educate us on how to leverage home equity for real estate investing plus how […]

Federal Taxes When Hiring Employees or Independent Contractors Workshop

Bayview Cash Store 5603 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington, United States

Your business is on the cusp of needing more help. What are the steps? What taxes do you need to collect, and how do you decide between an employee or a contractor? We'll walk you through the steps to understanding the forms that come along with employing others.Goosefoot is proud to partner with David Higgins, […]

Whidbey Gardening Workshop

Oak Harbor High School 1 Wildcat Way, Oak Harbor, Washington

Registration for the Whidbey Gardening Workshop opened on January 31st. Learn more about the workshop on their website.The day includes a Keynote presentation, 40 gardening class options, and a Market Place with over 17 vendors.Come say Hi to PRI staff and volunteers at our table in the Market Place.Presented by Island County Master Gardening Foundation […]

Managing Payroll Withholdings Workshop

Bayview Cash Store 5603 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington, United States

Learn about the tools the IRS uses to help with payroll, including calculators, withholdings, and navigating the confusing world of payroll taxes.Goosefoot is proud to partner with David Higgins, liaison […]

Tax Deposits and Filing a Return to Report Payroll Taxes Workshop

Bayview Cash Store 5603 Bayview Road, Langley, Washington, United States

Round out your IRS knowledge by getting guided tips about how you actually pay those payroll taxes. What forms are needed, how you set up deposits, and even some information on outsourcing that work.Goosefoot is proud to partner with David Higgins, liaison with the IRS, to answer pressing tax questions in an approachable, usable way! […]